- Location: Carey, Ohio
- Engineer: Jones and Henry
- Contractor: Peterson Construction
Equipment Supplied
Trojan UV3000Plus, PWTech ES303 volute press, Seepex SCT progressive cavity pumps, Fluidyne high efficiency Hydro-Grit removal system and classifier, Blue White Pro-Series M chemical feed system.
Project Summary
Jones and Henry designed a new wastewater treatment plant for the village of Carey, Ohio. Included in these improvements are new headworks screening and grit facilities, oxidation ditch, chemical addition for phosphorous removal, secondary clarifiers, UV disinfection facility, and solids handling. Included in this project was Fluidyne’s high efficiency Hydro-Grit removal system and classifier. This system is designed to remove 95% of all grit > 74 microns. The grit removal chamber has no moving parts and requires no maintenance.